dinsdag 4 maart 2008

Subliminal Messages on Dutch tv #2

"I'm the slime oozing out of your TV-set." Frank Zappa

On a Sunday afternoon.

. in 2000 I was enjoying the prospect of going to our monthly Sunday night. With a group of friends we would normally get together to meditate, eat the delicious meals our hostess made for us, have fun and enthusiastically share about each others work in different fields of alternative therapy. But this one turned out to be quite different. Just before dinner our host mentioned something he was upset about (he has a young son who watches TV...); he had found some sort of hidden messages in two different television programs. He showed it to us at normal speed and it seemed just a blur. He then slowed it down so we could see what was actually there.

And we were shocked. So shocked that we underestimated the impact it had on ourselves - despite all our combined professional knowledge and extensive experience. The rest of the evening was a disaster. We argued up to the point that some people almost ran away. This never happened before and it proved to be our last Sunday evening together. Later we suddenly realized this might have had something to do with the messages on the video tape.

What are children consuming unwantedly while they are watching TV and what effect can this have on them? This appears to be much more than discussions on violence in TV programs indicate. The book Friendship with God includes an interesting little dialogue on this subject: "(Walsch) Entertainment industry executives deny that TV, movie, and video images, however violent, are responsible for young people's violent behavior." (God:) "Are these the same executives that sell Super Bowl commercials for a half-million dollars apiece, claiming that they can influence behaviors in sixty seconds?" [1] Yet this influence can already take place in sixteen or even three seconds, as you will see. If you value your children's and your own freedom, the information is this article might be important to you. See for yourself.

The first findings were made in an erotic program is called Adult Television Entertainment, an American production broadcasted and repeated by the TV-station SBS6 in the Netherlands around 1999-2001. It also appears to have been broadcasted in Luxembourg and the UK . This is the period in which George W. Bush came to power and declared the "War on Terrorism".


Turning the world upside down

This is the explanation of a selection of hidden messages from Adult Televison Entertainment. It covers those which seem most important for parents. In total we found 76 images with texts in a black and white 'flash' that lasted 3,2 seconds in 'real' time. [2] .

It is remarkable that the whole series is full of reversals. This not only shows that the makers are very professional, but only that it gives a clear hint to their origin and interests. It appears to be a blueprint of international developments after September 11, 2001 - the day the world was turned upside down.


The first message in the series is Love is Hate. This message is projected across a naked lady. This combination alone gives a new right for existence for the feminist movement. Yet it surpasses unfriendliness towards women, since this message affects men and children - even animals, nature and our planet. By equaling love and hate (the ultimate opposites) the roots of all relationships are affected. Love is the foundation of our social behavior. It is essential for a healthy development from baby to adult.



ate-0037 ate-0040ate-0042 

The second picture shows the text EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG; order chaos. Below "you know" you'll see another opposite: order and chaos. I interpret this as: everything you think you know about order and chaos is wrong / incorrect. This indicates that chaos is not meant to be prevented, but instead to be promoted. The people behind this programming appear to have their interests in chaos. It could be a hint toward the 'New World Order', mentioned for the first time by George Bush sr. during the first Gulf War. Its Latin name, "Novus Ordo Seclorum", can be found on the 1 $-bill, below the image of the pyramid with the "All Seeing Eye". Critics claim that this New World Order (NWO) is founded on a fascist ideology, and is forwarding her agenda by actively creating worldwide chaos.


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ANSWER AUTHORITY is a continuation of 'everything you know is wrong'. Everything you know is wrong - allow the authorities to dictate your thoughts, opinions and behavior. The Webster dictionary offers an interesting definition of authority: 'the power to influence of direct thoughts, opinions or behavior'. Looking at the graphics of 'beLIEve WHAT YOU ARE TOLD' it is interesting to notice what happens typographically in the word 'believe': by putting the middle three letters in capitals the verb '(to) lie' or the noun 'lie' is created. In this sense this message has a double meaning: 'believe what you are told' and 'believe the lie you are told'. Especially when combined with the message 'You want TRUTH but you need LIES', this indicates that the official 'truth', as propagated through the media, is just straightforward propaganda.


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And 'vote FREEDOM is a MYTH' strengthens that suspicion. Normally the right to vote is seen as a symbol of freedom and democracy. Here this is denied.


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  The message 'Baby, Baby (.) Grab what you can - Do it Now - Now is the Time' seems to reflect the enormous stockmarket scandels of recent years. This message seems to aim to get children to embrace this attitude as young as possible. Apparently we are supposed to participate in the culture of the 'haves' from an early age (baby, baby).

Visually something also happens: the graphic in the background of the first image looks like the letter "e". Looking more closely at the series, you can see in picture 7 of this series that it involves a diverging spiral. Again this is a reversal, since earlier in the series a spiral can be found which sucks the viewer into a tunnel (a symbol for hypnosis). Now the image starts at the end of the tunnel, and turns from the inside to the outside.

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WE WE we WE We We are DEAD, ELVIS is ALIVE again is an indication that these texts reverse everything, and turn the world upside down. This specific programming refers to the late Elvis Presley. The play of lines in the background is aggressive - and again reversed.

The next picture (middle) seems to represent reversed pentagrams. When an ordinary pentagram (a five-cornered shape, left picture) is reversed it becomes a satanic symbol (right picture). It is not unusual to leave out part of the lines in the representation of geometrical shapes. The origin will remain recognizable for 'initiates'. The text than indicates that the world is being controlled by Satanists. It is well known that 'reversal' - and this series is full of that - is a trademark of Satanism: reversal of meaning (like 'love' and 'hate') as well as symbols. The best-known example of this is the Swastika. The Swastika is originally an Eastern symbol, meaning harmony, good, strength and unity. The Nazi's - in its core a satanic sect - exported it to the West and reversed the symbol as well as its meaning.

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When a Palestinian, an Iraqi or a supposed Al Qaida fighter causes an explosion, he is called a 'terrorist'. When Afghanistan or Iraq is being bombarded to pieces however, the message is that this serves the protection of our freedom (reversal: attack is defense). 'Bombs keep us free' is war propaganda to make us believe that 'bombarding others is necessary for our freedom and democracy'.



And finally 'Watch more TV'; a blatant command. TV will become even more addictive than it already is. Or maybe it has become so addictive because of this kind of subliminal programming of the unconsciousness.


Albert Toby , regression/reincarnation therapist and expert in deprogramming the subconscious

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maandag 3 maart 2008

Subliminal Messages on Dutch TV #1

The Illuminati, who own the big TV stations around the world, are currently sending subliminal messages through the TV channels directly into our living rooms. That subliminal messages truly exist on Television is not a secret anymore. Most of us know it is commonly used in advertising and we know how it affects us - we buy more products. But what's not so very well known is how frequently it is used in all type of programs. So what's the purpose with this? Is it only to make us buy certain products or is there another, deeper purpose with it as well?

For to create a One World Government with citizens who blindly follow oppressive laws in a future slave society, the Illuminati have to control the masses regularly and on a daily basis. In the late 50's - early 60's Television was the new fantastic invention which everybody wanted. It didn't take long before most families had a TV in their living rooms and people were amazed how they actually could watch movies at home. What people didn't know was that Television had been developed for public use for the purpose of mind control. It was and is an excellent way to control and guide the masses in whatever direction the media moguls who worked for the Illuminati wanted. What was shown on the screen soon became people's reality and a new era in the history of mankind had begun.

Since then society has rapidly declined. Not only because of Television of course, but I dare say that it has had a very significant role toward the goal of making a slave population. You can do a test on yourself. Don't turn on your TV for two to three weeks and see how you feel. I can guarantee you feel a difference. Your mind becomes sharper, you mysteriously discover that your mood has changed to the better and you start observing your environment in a totally different way. Stay away from it a little longer and you start thinking that people in your environment act a little strange. Hmm, you never noticed that before. First you may not know exactly what it is - you can't put your finger on it, and maybe you think it's YOU who have changed. And the latter is probably the truth.

The Illuminati believe in the power of symbols. Each of their symbols has a meaning and a certain power. You can see those symbols everywhere around you - business logos, in the newspaper, in advertising ... Most of us are so used to them that we don't even notice they are there. But behind any of those symbols there are  magical powers which are kept there by the satanists in their rituals. And they are affecting us pn a subliminal level and lower our frequences so we can be kept in tune with the satanic forces in the 4th dimension. But to overtly express those symbols in public places isn't enough. We have to be feeded constantly and Television is perfect for that purpose.

I will show you a few pictures here below. They are all from the Dutch Television and they are snapped from what is broadcast between different TV programs, by freezing the picture. This means the following images can't be seen when you watch the program - they pass on too fast for your eyes to be able to focus on them. But they DO stick in our unconscious mind and can later be used against us and trigger us whenever it's needed. It's very cleverly done and works together with what is shown at the same time on a conscious level. This is also a method the Illuminati use in Project Monarch, which is the ultimate mind control technique, where the victim becomes a total marionette to his/her programmer or handler. It's very effective ...



This is an interesting pictures. First of all, those clocks are triggering mind control slaves (see Fritz Springmeiers Monarch books on my website). But they are not subliminal, but are fully visible for the viewer. The subliminal here is a little man, whom I circled in red on the right picture. Also, far to the right we can see another figure looking out behind a rock. These figures can NOT be seen when you watch the program.



Here is another example. What you can see with your eyes when the film is running is the double pyramid, which is an occult symbol of course, but the invisible part is the two faces looking at the pyramid ... And at the left bottom of the double pyramid is a wolf's head. To see it you have to bend your head to the right.


Subliminal Messages on Dutch TV

page 2



Here an owl has entered the scene. So now we have the clocks, the owl (occult bird which is also the logo of the Bohemian Grove - an Illuminati ritual center), the man in the background [7] ( (subliminal) and a new subliminal figure [4]. A man (demon?) is coming out of the fire [2]... Also, the man in the background [7] is talking to something which looks like a green demon [4]. Down to the left sits a creature with an erection [1] and way out to the right we have another figure looking out behind a rock [6]. A face (skeleton?) is shown in the middle of the picture [3] and last we have 4 or 5 people standing in a line-up [5].



And here we can see an erected penis surrounded by flames [3]. More: to the left we notice a locust (Book of Revelations?) [1], a little girl standing with her back towards us with no underwears [2], another naked girl sitting in the ring of fire [4] and up in the middle we have a cut off finger, rotten at the end [5]. Left to number [6] - not circled, is a face and we have another one circled under number [7].



To the left of the double pyramid there is a face of a ghost or a demon and in the middle of the double pyramid there is a man turning backwards in flames. At the bottom of the pyramid we notice another man or woman clinging to the pyramid with fire licking his/her back.




Look carefully, and you'll see the lower half of a man's face, with a beard even ...



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